The PMQ Taste Library is the only one in the world to provide such a wide-ranging collection of culinary-themed books and recipes. Over five thousand books cover different gastronomies and food cultures, as well as family recipes that illuminate personal stories and bring traditions to life. The spirit of eating is sharing, hence the Taste Library is open to the public, and their exciting open kitchen adjoins the reading rooms. Cross-disciplinary creative events in the Library allow the community to try different experiences in a perfect combination of reading, design and cooking.

Craig Au Yeung, Curator of the PMQ Taste Library, recommends books on how the taste of Hong Kong has been influenced by traditional Cantonese cuisine and others in commercial catering and home-style dishes, from traditional wet markets to the most complicated banquet cuisine, everyday food, and different types of restaurants such as the Cantonese restaurant, dai pai dong, cha chaan teng, café, etc., are on display.

Project name

PMQ Taste Library


PMQ Management Co. Ltd.


Craig Au-Yeung Ying Chai



Origin of company

Hong Kong